Welcome to the Bangladesh Association of Greater Kansas City (BAGKC) website. This site is maintained to provide information about the Bangladeshi/Bangali community living in the greater Kansas City Area. Let us create a link between us and the mainstream American culture.

Announcement!!! Add Your Name to BAGKC Mailing List.

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with cc to nabilahmad@email.com

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dec 5th 2009, BAGKC Eid Reunion: Speech by: MD Alam

Dear Friends, Families, ladies and gents, Assalamu alikum and Good Afternoon. Before I speak I like to convey the belated Eid Muburak to all of you and I like to thanks the leaderships of Bangladeshi Association of Greater Kansas City for organizing this post Eid Celebrations. Especially I like to thanks all of my Bangladeshi community brothers and sisters for attending and joining to this beautiful community re-union. I like to thanks Rehan Reza the President of BAGKC, Nabil Ahamed the Executive Secretary, I believe he is out of Country, Dr. Mustafa Kamal the Treasurer, Ahamed Anisur Rahman the executive member, the current all other officers and those who have already served in the BAGKC in the past years.

It is an honor and privileges, to be here, standing and speaking before you. Many of you might know me, My name is MD Rabbi Alam and I am a candidate for a Public Office in the great state of Missouri. I am Running for the Missouri General Assembly as a House of Representative for the Missouri House District 50 in the US Election of 2010. My Primary Election will be on August 4th of 2010 and I would like to encourage all of you to get involve and help me and all of our other candidates in the manner of financially, Morally and Ethically.

I would like to take few of your valuable moments and really appreciate for listening, I like to convey some of the messages which is very important to us as immigrants and Naturalized Citizens. If you look at the history of USA, a great nation on Earth surface, having a combination of 300 Some Plus ethnicity, and diversity, which makes this country beautiful, and diversely Rich. As a Naturalized Citizen I am proud to be an American and at the same time I am also proud to be a Bangladeshi. I believe on Identity, and we should not be confused on our Identity. Look at our President Barack Obama, having a father from Keney and a mother who is a typical white lady from Kansas, spend his childhood in a Muslim country Indonesia and brought back and raised in a conservative white grandparent’s family. We have witnessed and seen the changing and the transitional moment in the US Election history of 2008. By saying that, I mean, It was a momentum for us as immigrants to be actively involve and be part of the political process. If you take a moment and look around you, you will see how much we have been a positive force to the main stream communities, economic development and our contribution is not as little as our actively political involvement. We have a great number of Physicians, Professors, Lawyer, Professionals, and small business owners. Everyday, we are indirectly helping our community to be reached at a point where we are no more a second class citizens. Right now, there are many opportunities we have that we should grab and utilize otherwise we will be the sufferers. Who does not remember the post 9-11 hardship? Who does not remember the 2003 Iraqi war? After the catastrophic war against terror is nothing but a horror suffering for us. Whatever hardship we have faced, we do not want our next future generation to face the same hardship and disturbance. Who does not know about Dr. Erian from Florida a University Professor, falsely accused and victimized by war on Terror? If Dr. Erian was involved in politics and had any great linkage with any political participation he would not face that unjust hardship still spending his time Jail in Washington D.C. This is just a current example. I am not making you scared but it is true that, this is a country when you are not involve in the Main Stream you will be treated as nothing but strangers. It is as simple as it is. Who does not know that “You are not innocent, until you are proven not Guilty or Vise verse”.

Why not we come together and create a solid pitch and platform for our future generation who will not have to suffer like us and will have a better chance and opportunity to be part of the main Stream Communities. My Dear brothers, sisters and friends we need to awake up, let us work together and you need to know that, we already proved that we are already well accepted in the Main Stream Political Process in few states. I like to thanks Rehan Reza and Rabiul Karim Belal from Kansas, Kawser Jamil and Tanvir Ahamed from Arkansas, Minhazur Rahman and Dr. Jallal Uddin from Alabama, Meher Alam Mayna and Dr. Safiqur Rahman from Illinois, Dr. Nurul Huda and Jamsedur Rahman from Tennessee, Anwar Kabir Khan and Dr. Abdul Gaffor Akram from Missouri. These Leaders already have taken steps to establish active political involvement and process for our betterment of our children and our next generations. All of these Leaders have seen the opportunity and hope for all of us. Always Remember, A great Idea without any plan is a Dream only, since we have great Ideas, we need great planning and we have to call for action. We have to vote for ourselves. As president Obama said, Hope over Fear, we have to be positive and we need Transformative Intellectuality for a change towards our Immigrants Community by transforming ourselves.

President Abraham Lincoln, said, we deserve to have Life, Liberty and Pursuit to happiness. It will truly never come to us until we understand the schema of the process of gaining pro-political strategies. In 1968 as Dr. Martin Luther King said, “I have a Dream”, Now it is our dream to be a class one citizens. At this point, We can not Remain on the sidelines. Others will come to you and seek your financial support and ask for your vote during the election season. They are hardly available to assist in any matter that can help us as a community or an individual basis. When you vote for Rehan Reza and MD Alam you know that they will come back to you after they are elected and ask you “What Can I Do For You?”. These people will understand what you need and why you are asking for it. And that is Guaranteed. We can never have this or ever expect this from others. So please support our candidates and support yourselves.

If you have any questions and want to more about our candidates please visit us at the web at www.mdpaac.org and you can email us at mdpaac@mdpaac.org , Please let us know your feedback.

Thank you so much and have a wonderful day.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Diplomatic Ball hosted by Bangladesh and Others..

Mayor Mark Funkhouser and the Ethnic Enrichment Commission cordially invite you to attend The Diplomatic Ball of 2010.

Hosts- The spice Route Countries
Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Israel, Morocco, Pakistan, Turkey

Schedule for the evening:
6:00 PM - Cash Bar
6:45 - Seating
7:00 p.m Double Entree Dinner featuring Beef Kabob and Sea Bass

Live Entertainment:
Folkloric Presentation by the Host Countries
Ballroom Dancing- Live Band"Saucy Jack"

Kansas City Downtown Marriot
Count Basie Ballroom
200 W. 12th Street, Kansas City, Missouri
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ticket Price: $60 per person

Contact Sibghat Khan (Sujan) for your invitation card.
Contact Information :
Cell: 913-449-1578
email: skhanscb@hotmail.com

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

BAGKC Eid Party on Saturday, December 5th, 2009 from 12 to 4 pm at Roeland Park Community Center

Dear Members:

Eid Mobarrak to all of you.

Please mark your calendar for the BAGKC Eid Party on Saturday, December 5th, 2009 from 12 to 4 pm at Roeland Park Community Center (4850 Rosewood Dr Mission, KS 66205).

We are going to be catering food from Cafe Tandoor for this occassion. We will also have pizza for kids at the occassion.

Food Charge:

$10 for adults and children over 10 years, (Non BAGKC members - $12 for adults)
$5 for children from 5 to 10 years and Free for children under 5 years.

We are also planning to have a cultural program at the event - please contact Khaled Bhai at 913-962-0709 if you would like to participate in the cultural program.

In addition, we plan to have a childrens' gift exchange program where parents can give a Eid Gift to their child - please bring a gift for your children under $10 and remember to wrap it.

We will be renewing the BAGKC membership for 2010 at the event. The membership fee is $25 for families, $15 for singles and $10 for students.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

7th Annual Winter Clothes Drive

In the spirit of charity and helping those in need warm clothing and free health screening, please support this noble cause. The annual sponsor for this event is M.A.C.A.A. and this is the seventh ( 7th ) year of providing winter item support to the needy in the KC area.

This year's co-sponsors are:

1. KPRS Hot 103 Jamz (Radio Station)
2. Al-Haqq Islamic Center
3. National Kidney Foundation ( Free Health Screening )
5. Ar-Raazaq Food Pantry
6. Hope of Glory Ministries
7. First AME Church
8. American Heart Association ( Heart Disease and Stroke Education )
9. International Black Fire Fighters Association of Kansas City
10. Al-Inshirah Islamic Center

Please Note: We are in great need of "your" support, with this noble effort. Our goal is service to Allah (swt) by providing support to Humanity. M.A.C.A.A. is a Not-For-Profit ( 501c3 Tax Exempt ) Organization. Any and ALL monetary, as well as in-kind service contributions are 100% Tax Deductible, as permitted by the IRS.

A much needed In-Kind Service is Dry Cleaning for some of the donated items.

Please contribute items to this cause to be given to the poor and needy. We are accepting monetary donations to purchase new items such as blankets, gloves, scarves,coats and hats. However, we are also accepting usable items of the same. ( So LOOK in that CLOSET for something that you can SHARE with your fellow HUMAN FAMILY. )

We "Really" Want and Need Your Support!!

For Donations, to Volunteer, or if you need additional information, please contact:

*** Imam Sulaiman Z. Salaam, Jr. (816) 589-1858
*** Hallalah Hasam (816) 260-0439
*** Antoinette Salaam (816) 277-4052

Thanks, and may Allah (swt) grant us Success in our Efforts to Help the Needy!

Sulaiman Z. Salaam, Sr. (816) 589-3194

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Maksuda Chowdhury (Dr. Ikbal Chowdhury's mother) passed away

Maksuda Chowdhury (Dr. Ikbal Chowdhury's mother) passed away last night. Innan lillahe wa ina elaha rajiun. Namaze janaja will be on 11/30/2009 (Friday) 1.15 PM at Islamic Center of Jefferson City (5123 Moreau Ridge Road, Jefferson City, MO).

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The 7th Annual "Project Neighborly Needs".

Donate new or used clean coats, hats, blankets, sweaters, scarves and gloves.

This is yearly drive organized by the local community, MECCA, at Al Haqq Islamic Center.
6941 Prospect Ave, KCMO (816) 926-0212.

Contact: Saif Islam ( saifislam61@yahoo.com )

Monday, November 2, 2009

Du'a for Dr.Emran Rouf's Dad

Emran Bhai's father is in critical conditions. As of now, he is at the Apollo Hospital, Dhaka. Please make special du'a for his recovery.

Friday, September 18, 2009

EID Prayer

KCI Expo Center (11730 NW Ambassador Drive, Kansas City, MO 64153)
Sunday, 20th Sep, 2009
First Prayer will be at 8:30 AM
Second prayer at 9:30 AM

BAGKC Eid Party

Dear Members: Please mark your calendar for the BAGKC Eid Party on Sunday, September 27 2009 from 1 to 5 pm at Roeland Park Community Center (4850 Rosewood Dr Mission, KS 66205).

We are going to be catering food from Cafe Tandoor for this occassion. Food Charge: $10 for adults and children over 10 years, $5 for children from 5 to 10 years and Free for children under 5 years. We are also planning to have a cultural program at the event - please contact Khaled Bhai at 913-962-0709 if you would like to participate in the cultural program.

In addition, we plan to have a childrens' gift exchange program where parents can give a Eid Gift to their child - please bring a gift for your children under $10 and remember to wrap it. Please call Nabil Ahmad at 913-957-4878 if you have any questions or need directions.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Eid Mubarak

Eid mubarak to all BAGKC members and families. Have a great Eid-ul-Fitr.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bangladeshi Community serves Iftar at ISGKC on Wednesday 9-16-09

As-Salaam Alai-kum,

Like last year, the Bangladeshi Community is proudly serving IFTAR/dinner at ISGKC (big Maasjid at 99th Street Missouri side) on Wednesday, September 16th on the night of Liylatul Qadr.

Please mark your calender, bring your family and join us there in the Liylatul Qadr at ISGKC, insha'allah.

We are asking a $50 donation in check to arrange this IFTAR for 400 plus people. This donation will be collected in Kansas as well as Missouri side. Please let us know we can count on you.

As a part of the Greater Kansas Muslim community, we are all aware that ISGKC serves our community and we owe it to ourselves to show our support to ISGKC in this month of Ramadan. ISGKC provides much of the leadership in Muslim affairs in this area, provides for the main facility for Eid prayers, provides funeral services and others services to name a few.

May Allah forgives all our sins and accepts all our good deeds in this month of Ramadan.

Salaam & Du'a
Saiful Islam

**Check is payable to ISGKC and write "ISGKC IFTAR" on the memo line.

Send your checks to the following:
Raqib bhai: 816-554-6434
Mahbub bhai: 816-522-5880
Ahsan Kabir bhai: 816-472-5448

Saiful: 913-491-2915 (H)/214-336-6680 (C)
Salim bhai: 913-439-1604 (H)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

BAGKC Iftar and Dinner on Friday September 11, 2009

Dear Members:

Please mark your calendar for the BAGKC Iftar and Dinner event on Friday,Sep 11, from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. The event will be held at Roeland Park Community Center at 4850 Rosewood Dr, Mission, KS 66205.

The Iftar party will be a pot-luck event. Each family is being asked to bring one iftar item and one dinner item for 10 people.

We would also like to request you to mark your calendars for the Eid party. The eid party will be held on Saturday September 26, 2009.

Details of the Iftar party on Sept 11 follow:
Date: FRIDAY, SEPT 11, 2009
Time: 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Venue: Roeland Park Community Center
4850 Rosewood DrMission, KS 66205-1106
Admission Fee: Free

Please plan to attend and make this program a success.

Thanks BAGKC Team

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Ramadan Mubarak

May the light that we celebrate at Ramadan show us the way and lead us together on the path of peace and social harmony.

Wish All of You A Very Happy Ramadan Mubarak

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ethnic Enrichment Festival-2009

Dear All,

Please mark your calendar for 2009 Ethnic Enrichment Festival of Greater Kansas City. The festival will be held at Swope Park, MO on 21 August through 23 August. Adult Admission: $3.00Children: 12 and under are admitted Free with adultParking is Free (Handicap Parking available)

Please check the following site for details. http://www.eeckc.org/


Sibghat Khan(Sujan) Rehan RezaAlternate Commissioner Commissioner Ethnic Enrichment Commission Ethnic Enrichment Commission Bangladesh Bangladesh

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Annual Picnic-Topeka(ICT)

Dear All,

It wont be long before the kids go back to school and thoughts turn to the beginning of Ramadan, so dont forget our Annual Picnic on July 26th. It will be at the Gage Shelter near the zoo, same as last year from 9 to 4. Admission is free.

Halal Hotdogs, Hamburgers, chicken as well as the paper products will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share.

Rehan Reza
Islamic Center of Topeka(ICT)

Performance of BAGKC in FOBANA 2009


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


When: August 21,22,23
Where: Swope Park -Meyer Blvd & Swope Parkway, Kansas City,MO

Feel the "WORLD BEAT" in the Heart of America
Free Parking-Live Entertanment-Adult Admission-Children 12 and Under are Free

*Cultural programs by ethnic representatives-contact Rafia Khan
* Membership of more than 60 countries and cultures

* Festival Booth-Contact Rehan Reza (Commissioner), Sibghat Khan(Alternate: 913-449-1578)
* 1 Full Booth___$4001/2 Booths____ $225, Mini Booth____$100

The required full payment plus additional fee of $25 for Health Permit(food stall) if applicable.Deposits not accepted,Cancellation of booth after final payment MAY 28,2009,will result in a 50% loss of booth payment.

Visit: www.eeckc.org or www.kcmo.org/park

Monday, April 13, 2009

Independence Day and Bengali New Year Celebration

We are having a cultural program on the occasion which will includes dances, songs and poem recitations by children and adult artists. We will have a drawing competition for children aged 4-12 where the theme will be drawings around 21st February. We plan to have prizes for the kids. Please encourage your kids to participate - they need to bring their own art paper and crayons.. We have already recieved commitment for a significant number of food, cloth and book stalls - if anyone is still interested please let us know about booking a stall. Please contact the following individuals if you wish to participate no later than April 12, 2009:

Nira Bhabi at 913-339-9313
Nabil Bhai at 913-957-4878
Saiful Bhai at 214-336-6680

We also have a special guest coming for the occassion - Kansas State Senator Chris Steineger. In addition, we are inviting Sangam (West Bengal Association) to perform at the event. See you there - there will be food, songs, dance and music to welcome the Bengali new year.