Welcome to the Bangladesh Association of Greater Kansas City (BAGKC) website. This site is maintained to provide information about the Bangladeshi/Bangali community living in the greater Kansas City Area. Let us create a link between us and the mainstream American culture.

Announcement!!! Add Your Name to BAGKC Mailing List.

If you are not getting BAGKC emails and want to subscribe to BAGKC email list, please send a request to:

with cc to nabilahmad@email.com

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Success of Thanksgiving Project

YES YOU DID IT with 100% success. We are proud to be Bangladesi
Americans living in the greater Kansas City area and be an integral part
of the mainstream community. One more success stories in Community

Project Description:
As a part of our commitment and dedication to our community, with
cooperation and sponsorship from you, we successfully donated 27 Turkey
brown bags to Linwood YMCA. Our main focus were to those who are ‘not
so lucky families’ in greater Kansas City area during the Thanksgiving

Project result:
We were able to package 27 bags almost close to 600Lbs of foods for
more than 27 families. We collect 508 dollar from 21 families and we
spend 580.43 cents.

Project outcome:
We are so thankful to you and your family for your generous donations
and help to package the brown bags for Linwood YMCA food pantry. We
heard numerous ‘thank you’ and praise from the families who were
standing in the line from 8:30 am in the morning. We promised next year
we will have 100 bags of Turkey and food bags available for families.

We really appreciate ISGC executive committee for helping us through
Harvester and for letting us use the facility to keep the food and
package the brown bags. We also extend our appreciation to the BAGKC
community for their support and generous donations. This is the
beginning of Bangladeshi American Community voluntary work, where we
open doors for future generations as role model. We are involved in
humanitarian works in our community where we live and grow. The Joy of
giving was clearly displayed on our kid’s faces who helped us package
the bags.

Please enjoy the Pictures. We promised that we will have 100 bags for
next Thanksgiving and we know our community will provide spontaneous
support and God willing, we can do make a difference.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Birth Announcement for Shafayet and Mithila's Boy

Shafayet & Mithila Hossain announces the birth of their son, Safwan Hossain. Born on November 14, 2010 @ 12:32 p.m., young Safwan is 7 pounds 9.3 ounces and 20.5 inches and growing. Mother and baby are doing well, inshallah. Dad is exhilarated and checking out colleges. May Allah bless young Safwan, his parents and their family.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

International Community Day!

Please join us and support this event.

If anybody is interested in setting up cultural box or selling crafts or food to international day of Kansas City Community College on November 12 , 11.30 to 1.30 contact Sibghat Khan (Sujan) at 913-449-1578.

Bagkc Volunteer/Community opportunity! / Habitat for Humanity this Sunday @ 2.30pm

Please attend and show up so you can be involved in this very good venture.

Chili Tailgate Party
Sunday,November 14th
2:30 PM-6:30pm
ST Paul's Episcopal Church
11 E.40th St.
Kansas City,MO 64111

The House that Abraham builds is such a wonderful way of bringing people together and working together to do great things in our community.

The first flyer is House of Abraham flyer, the second is the chili event.

I’ll hope to see you again soon.



Dana Byron
Director of Volunteer Services
Habitat for Humanity Kansas City
1423 E. Linwood Blvd.
Kansas City, MO. 64109

816.924.1096 x 101

For more information contact with Muna and Nira Vabi

Eid Al-Adha (Tuesday, Nov 16, 2010) Prayers

Bartle Hall Exhibit Hall A
Takbeerat begins at 8.00 AM and Prayer starts at 9.00 AM

Overland Park Convention Center
Takbeerat begins at 8:00 AM and Prayer starts at 8:30 AM

Winter Coat/Outer Garments drive - please donate!

BAGKC community/volunteer work opportunity!

Time for Winter Coat /Outer garments drive is here. Please donate!

We are given a very short notice. Those who are interested, we must receive your contribution no later than Friday, November 19th. For drop off, please feel free to contact any three below. On November 20th they'll be distributed at Linnwood YMCA, Kansas City. For more detail read on and see the flier below.

We collectiong ONLY following items. Please make sure they are in decent condition:
1. Heavy Coat/Coat/Jacket/Sweater
2. Hats/Mittens/Gloves
3. Cash/checks


Tanvir : 816-729-7319
Dr. Kamal: 660-864-1548 (C)
Saiful: 913-491-2915 (H) / 214-336-6680 (C)