Welcome to the Bangladesh Association of Greater Kansas City (BAGKC) website. This site is maintained to provide information about the Bangladeshi/Bangali community living in the greater Kansas City Area. Let us create a link between us and the mainstream American culture.

Announcement!!! Add Your Name to BAGKC Mailing List.

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with cc to nabilahmad@email.com

Friday, February 22, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Executive Committee

Dear Community members: The new Executive Committee for BAGKC for 2013-2014 was elected uncontested at the annual general meeting on Dec 15, 2012. Please welcome these new members and wish them the best. BAGKC Commitee 2012-2014: President: Dr. Mustafa Kamal Vice President: Nabil Ahmad General Secretary: Haroon Sattar Assistant General Secretary: Khaled Saifullah Treasurer: Rehan Reza Sports Secretary: Mustafa Sayem Cultural Secretary: Sibghat Khan (Shujan) Membership Co-ordinator: Nila Kamal EC Members: 1) Anis Rahman 2) Imran Bhuiyan 3) Showkat Osman 4) Khorshed Alam 5) Aliza Khan (Shilpi) We wish them the best of luck.

Friday, November 16, 2012

BAGKC Victory Day Program and General body meeting on Dec 15, 2012

Dear Community Members: We will be having a victory day (16th Dec) celebration on Dec 15th at Roeland Park Community Center from 6pm-10pm. There will be a cultural event by local artists during the occassion and free pizza and drinks. If you are interested in participating in the cultural event, please get in touch with the individuals mentioned at the end of the email. It's also time for membership renewal for 2012/13 or for becoming a new member of Bangladesh Association of Greater Kansas City (BAGKC). As you may know, BAGKC is a non-profit Corporation formed for charitable purposes to conduct and promote social, literary, cultural, educational and outreach programs for Bangladeshi communities living in Greater Kansas City area. BAGKC is a non-political and non-discriminatory association and it is open to all persons without regard to nationality, race, sex, disability, ethnic origin, religion or place of residence who subscribe to the objectives and abide by the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation. The membership fee is yearly Family $25.00,Single $15 and Student $10. Lifetime membership is onetime fee of $300.00 per family. A member must be at least eighteen years of age. Our Election for the term 2013-2014 is due in December 2012. The election will be held on Dec 15th Saturday at 6.00pm in Roeland Park Community Center.The last day for nomination for officeholders for EC membership is Dec 9, 2012. The last date for Withdrawal of nominations is Dec 12, 2012. The General Election will be held on Dec 15, 2012 at the BAGKC General Member meeting at 6 pm at the Roeland Park Comminity Center. There are 13 open positions available for nomination. Please contact the election commissioners by Dec 9, 2012 if you are interested in any position. Please keep in mind you need to be a member of the association to vote as well as be a member of the EC committee. Election Commissioners: 1) Tawfiq Hussain(Selim bhai) ph# 816-721-4772(tawfiq82@gmail.com) 2) Abu Taher ph# 913-485-7225(taherfamily@yahoo.com) The following posts are available for the Executive Committee: 1.PRESIDENT 2.VICE-PRESIDENT 3.GENERAL SECRETARY 4.ASSISTANT GENERAL SECRETARY 5.TREASURER 6.MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR 7.CULTURAL SECRETARY 8.SPORTS SECRETARY & 9. FIVE (5) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS To be eligible for participation in the election, the candidate has to be a member of BAGKC by the cutoff date for renewal and new membership of December 9th, 2012. Please renew your membership for 2012/13 and send it to the address mentioned below along with a check drawn in favor of BAGKC on or before the cut-off date of Dec 9, 2012. US BANK Routing Information: Routing Number# 101200453 Account# 7750146628 Or send you checks to: BAGKC 3733 SW CobbleStone Place Topkeka KS-66610 or you can pay by paypal at www.bagkc.com Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thanks. Munira Khan President 913-339-9313 Nabil Ahmad General Secretary Bangladesh Association of Greater Kansas City(BAGKC) 913-957-4878

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

BAGKC Eid Party on Saturday Oct 27, 2012 from 5 pm at ISGKC

Dear Members, Please mark your calendar for the BAGKC Eid party and Dinner event on Saturday, Oct 27, 2012 from 5:00 to 10:00 pm. The event will be held at the auditorium of ISGKC. The event will be potluck. Details of the Eid party on Oct 27 19 follow: Date: Saturday, Oct 27, 2012 Time: 5pm to 10 pm Venue: ISGKC Auditorium 8501 E 99th St. Kansas City, MO 64134 Please plan to attend and make this program a success. You can call Nabil Ahmad at 913-957-4878 or Munira Khan (Nira) at 913-339-9313 if you have any questions. Thanks. BAGKC Team

BAGKC Executive Committee Update

Dear BAGKC members, non members, community friends! I hope you all had a great summer. BAGKC executive committee term will end in 2012. A new election will be held around middle of December 2012. It is important that you become a BAGKC paid member by 12/1/12. BAGKC paid members has the right to vote for their favorite candidates and can actively participate in the election. BAGKC can only survive with your donations and subscriptions. We need BAGKC going for ourselves and for our future generations. Your support in anyway is highly appreciated. BAGKC 2012 Membership fees: $25.00 family, $15.00 Single, $10.00 student, $300.00 Lifetime, Under 18 free. Please mail your check to: Rehan Reza Treasurer BAGKC 6021 SW 29th Street, PMB 250, Suite A Topeka, KS 66614 Ph:785-554-0586